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Demonstrate your advanced knowledge of Excel by becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). This course, created by Microsoft Certified Trainer Jennifer McBee, helps you prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert exam for Excel 2016, which focuses on managing workbook options and settings, applying custom data formats and layouts, creating advanced formulas, and creating advanced charts and tables.

A tailor is a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing. Although the term dates to the thirteenth century, tailor took on its modern sense in the late eighteenth century, and now refers to makers of men's and women's suits, coats, trousers, and similar garments, usually of wool, linen, or silk.

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Naruto the lost tower watch online. The course begins with an overview of the certification program and its costs. Next, Jennifer walks you through all of the certification objectives, including hands-on experience with downloadable sample documents. She wraps up with a full-length practice test that emulates exam 77-728, together with solutions to each of the exam challenges. Instructor •. Microsoft Certified Trainer Jennifer McBee helps hundreds of students master Office and pass MOS certification exams. Jennifer has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2007, successfully teaching Microsoft Office and other desktop software to such organizations as L.L.Bean, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, the City of Bangor, Time Warner Cable, the Maine Department of Labor, and Bangor International Airport.

She holds Master-level MOS certification in Office 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013, and she has served as a subject matter expert on exams for Office 2010 and 2013. She also runs a testing center for Certiport, the exclusive certification exam partner of Microsoft.

Expert Choices Download Free

She has helped such organizations as the State of Maine Department of Labor, Time Warner Cable, Syracuse University, and others to prepare their employees to pass MOS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint 2010 and 2013 exams. She has done the same for students in Office classes at a local community college, where she has taught for three years. By: Jennifer McBee course • 2h 59m 9s • 8,665 viewers • Course Transcript - [Instructor] Hi, my name is Jen McBee, and I'm here to help you prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist Expert exam for Excel 2016. I'm a certified MOS master instructor, and I've been mentoring students in Microsoft Excel since 2006. We'll start with an overview of the different MOS certifications, and how to prepare for the exam. Next, we'll cover all of the objectives for the Excel 2016 Expert exam. We'll review how to manage workbook options, reference data in another workbook using query, create formulas using structured references and protect worksheets, ranges and workbooks.

We'll also learn about advanced functions such as sumifs, countifs and averageifs. We will learn how to create nested functions, how to use lookup functions and how to use date and time functions. We'll learn how to create named ranges, create and modify pivot tables and pivot charts and how to use the getpivotdata function. I will give you opportunities for hands-on practice throughout the course • Practice while you learn with exercise files.