Fizika 7 Sinf 2003

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ArXiv:hep-th/0308073v2 13 Aug 2003. [5,6] and large angle scatter- ing [7]. For instance, the static potential between a heavy. Fizika 28 (1978) 796.

KamLAND has measured the flux of ν ¯ e’s from distant nuclear reactors. We find fewer ν ¯ e events than expected from standard assumptions about ν ¯ e propagation at the 99.95% C.L. In a 162 ton y r exposure the ratio of the observed inverse β-decay events to the expected number without ν ¯ e disappearance is 0.611 ± 0.085 ( s t a t ) ± 0.041 ( s y s t ) for ν ¯ e energies > 3.4 M e V. In the context of two-flavor neutrino oscillations with CPT invariance, all solutions to the solar neutrino problem except for the “large mixing angle” region are excluded. Figure 4 The ratio of measured to expected ν ¯ e flux from reactor experiments []. The solid circle is the KamLAND result plotted at a flux-weighted average distance of ∼ 180 k m. The shaded region indicates the range of flux predictions corresponding to the 95% C.L.

LMA region from a global analysis of the solar neutrino data []. The dotted curve, sin  2 2 θ = 0.833 and Δ m 2 = 5.5 × 10 − 5 e V 2 [], is representative of a best-fit LMA prediction and the dashed curve is expected for no oscillations. Figure 5 Upper panel: Expected reactor ν ¯ e energy spectrum along with ν ¯ g e o (model Ia of []) and background. Lower panel: Energy spectrum of the observed prompt events (solid circles with error bars), along with the expected no oscillation spectrum (upper histogram, with ν ¯ g e o and background shown) and best fit (lower histogram) including neutrino oscillations. The shaded band indicates the systematic error in the best-fit spectrum.


The vertical dashed line corresponds to the analysis threshold at 2.6 MeV. Figure 6 Excluded regions of neutrino oscillation parameters for the rate analysis and allowed regions for the combined rate and shape analysis from KamLAND at 95% C.L.

At the top are the 95% C.L. Excluded region from CHOOZ [] and Palo Verde [] experiments, respectively. Allowed region of the large mixing angle (LMA) solution of solar neutrino experiments [] is also shown. The solid circle shows the best fit to the KamLAND data in the physical region: sin  2 2 θ = 1.0 and Δ m 2 = 6.9 × 10 − 5 e V 2. All regions look identical under θ ↔ ( π / 2 − θ ) except for the LMA region from solar neutrino experiments.

7-sinf uchun test savollari 1. 0 'rta Osiyoni alohida tabiiy geografik o 'Ika sifatida ajratishga asos bo 'ladigan nechta xususiyatlari bor? 0 'rta Osiyo geografiyasiga kim asos solgan? A) Abu Rayhon Beruniy. B)IbnSino C) Muhammad al-Xorazmiy.

D) Erotosfen. 0 'rta Osiyo ekvator va bosh meredianga nisbatan qayerda joylashgan? A) Shimol va sharqda. B) Janub va g 'arbia. C) Shimol va g 'arbda.

D) Janub va sharqida. 4 O 'rta Osiyoning eng g 'arbiy chekka nuqtasini belgilang?

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A) Termiz shahri. B) Childutaron qishlog 'i.

C) Tubqarag 'ay burni.D) Xabarsu dovoni. 5.0 'rta Osiyodagi eng ko 'p sonli va eng yirik millat qaysi? C)O 'zbeklar. D) Ojrg 'izlar. 6.0 'rta Osiyo va O 'zbekiston xaritalarini tuzishda qaysi andoza qo 'llaniladi? A) Konussimon andaza. B) Azimutal andaza. Nonton one piece 459.

C) Silindrsimon andaza.D) Teng burchakli andaza. 7.0 'rta Osiyo o 'kasi shimoldan janubga va g 'arbdan, sharqqa qancha masofagacho 'zilgan? A) 2200-2550 km B) 2200-2750 km C) 2400-2550 km D)2000-2200 km 8. 'Atlas' atamasi fanga kim tamonidan kiritilgan?

A) Eratosfen. B) Magellan QX.Kolumb.D)Merkator. 9.0 'rta Osiyo tabiati geologik tuzilisi, foydali qazilmalari, xo 'jaligi,tarixi haqida kimjuda qimmatli ma 'lumotla qoldirgan?

A) Zahriddin Muhammad Bobur B) Abu Rayhon Beruniy C) Abu Hasan Ali Ma 'sudiy. D) Muhammad ibn Muso al- Xorazmiy.